JSE Market Data provides a range of reliable and transparent market data products to market professionals and data distributors. We support multiple use cases that require live data for JSE listed equities, derivatives and bonds. This data is generated across the various markets throughout the trading day. We also provide an extensive range of index, stock exchange news, historical, and reference data products to meet the business needs of our clients .

Key features:

  • Direct from the source
  • Variety of channels and delivery formats
  • Strict adherence to industry codes, standards and regulations
  • Dedicated market data sales and support teams

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These videos are aimed to provide you with access to key information relating to our Market Data Policies.

Market Data Products Available:


Equities are regarded as one of the pillars of a well-diversified investment portfolio and the JSE’s Equity Market is highly liquid and highly regulated.
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The FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series resulted from a joint venture between the JSE Limited (JSE) and the FTSE Group (FTSE), a world leader in the creation and management of indices.
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Equity Derivatives

This market, formerly known as Safex, was established in 1988 to provide a secure and efficient on-exchange market for trading derivatives in South Africa.
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Currency Derivatives

Access the information that is generated as Currency derivatives trades that occur throughout the day (live or intra-day data) and the pricing, reference and statistics we generate after ...
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Bond Market Data

Access the information that is generated as Bond trades occur throughout the day (live or intra-day data) and the statistics, pricing and reference data that we generate after trading has...
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Historical Market Data

The JSE is able to provide a wide range of Historical Market Data, whether for a single instrument or for a range of dates across all our markets. The data can be packaged to suit your re...
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