NNA (National Numbering Agency) and Member of ANNA (Association of National Numbering Agencies).
ANNA are the numbering agencies around the world, which assign unique identification code to each new security as it is issued. To access the ANNA website click here


  • JSE Limited (“JSE”) is a member of the association of national numbering agencies (“ANNA”)
  • As a member of ANNA, the JSE is also the national numbering agency (“NNA”) for South Africa.
  • NNAs codify and classify financial instruments in accordance with the ISO 6166 Standard (Securities and related financial instruments: international securities identification numbering system). The codification consists of the allocation of an international securities identification number (“ISIN”) code and the association of this code with information as specified by the ISO 6166 Standard (“the Data”)
  • As an NNA, the JSE allocates and issues an ISIN, together with classification of financial instruments (“CFI”) for all security types, listed and unlisted, for the worldwide identification of South African securities, in accordance with ANNA guidelines and ISO 6166 Standard
  • The ANNA service bureau (“ASB”), established by ANNA, is the approved means of communication and common platform to collect and disseminate information, including the data, from ANNA members
  • The JSE maintains the validity of the data and provides daily updates to the ASB. ANNA may disseminate any or all of the data to any or all of the other ANNA members, as well as data vendors and end users and other entities with whom the necessary agreements have been concluded
  • In terms of the ISO 6166 standard, the cost of issuing and allocation of an ISIN is limited to cost recovery only, being the costs directly attributable to the services rendered.  The current cost per allocation and issuing of an ISIN is a once off and non-refundable amount of ZAR 456 (four hundred and fifty-six rand), excluding South African value added tax, which amount is subject to change at the discretion of the JSE

Requesting ISINs:

Applicants and/or representatives must use the JSE web application ("NNA Services") for requesting an ISIN from the JSE and are able to enter data manually, by entering the required information in the appropriate fields.

Turnaround times on requests for allocation of ISINs:

In accordance with ANNA guidelines, the JSE will allocate ISINs in a timely manner, usually within 24 hours following the request or the next business day, provided all of the correct data and documentation is received with the request.

Minimum data required before an ISIN will be issued:

The minimum set of data necessary for an ISIN allocation may depend on the requirements specified by the ISO 6166 Standard, ANNA Guidelines, the type of financial instrument involved and any other data prescribed by the JSE, including, but not limited, to any supporting documentation.