The JSE acts as the Listings Authority and is licensed as an exchange in terms of the Financial Markets Act, 19 of 2012 (FMA). The JSE’s regulatory duties, powers and functions are narrowly circumscribed by the peremptory provisions of the FMA. In accordance with the FMA, the JSE is obliged to make listings requirements and enforce them.

The JSE advocates for the enhancement of corporate governance and the quality of financial reporting disclosures by companies (i) that have issued equity securities listed on the JSE and (ii) that have their debt securities listed on the JSE, for the benefit of shareholders, securities holders, investors, and other market stakeholders.

It is an integral function of the JSE to provide facilities for the listing of securities (including securities and debt securities issued by domestic or foreign companies), to provide the JSE’s users with an orderly market place for trading in such securities and to regulate the market accordingly.

Simplification Project

The aim of the project is to simplify the JSE Listings Requirements (the “Requirements”) using plain language to record concise regulatory objectives, easier to understand and apply.

Learn more

Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

February 2025: The JSE released an announcement on the King V Draft being open for public comment.


Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

January 2025: The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements dealing with the delegation of authority. Please refer to the amendment schedule.


Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

November 2024: The JSE released an announcement regarding the SAMCODES Standards Committee proposing amendments to the SAMOG Code. Please see the supporting documents, Documents 1, Document 2 and Document 3.


Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

January 2025: The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements dealing with the delegation of authority. Please refer to the amendment schedule.


Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

November 2024: The JSE issued a letter regarding transitional arrangements on the Debt and Specialist Securities Listings Requirements.


Announcements regarding listings requirements

October 2024: The JSE release an announcement on amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements dealing with the Section 19 (Specialist Securities): Rejuvenation Project. Please find attached the Debt and Specialist Securities Listings Requirements.

Announcements regarding listings requirements

October 2024: The JSE release an announcement on amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements dealing with the Section 19 (Specialist Securities): Rejuvenation Project. Please find attached the new BEE Segment, amendments to Section 4, Section 18 and Section 19.

Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

September 2024: The JSE released an announcement regarding the Simplification Project.

Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

September 2024: The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements dealing with corporate governance and ancillary matters. Please refer to the Amendments Paper.

Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

Aug 2024: The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements dealing with Market Segmentation. Please refer to the Amendment Schedule.

Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

July 2024: The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements dealing with simplification and delegation of authority. Please refer to the Explanatory Memorandum and Amendment Schedule.


Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

April 2024: The JSE released an announcement on the Market Segmentation Project. Please refer to the Explanatory Memorandum and the Amendment Schedule.

Announcements regarding listings requirements

April 2024: The JSE release an announcement on the Simplification Project.  


Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

March 2024

The JSE released an announcement regarding the Simplification Project.


Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

March 2024

The JSE released an announcement regarding the Simplification Project.

Announcements regarding Listings Requirements

November 2023 – The JSE released an announcement on approved amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements and JSE Debt Listings Requirements relating to Auditor Accreditation.

Announcements regarding Listings Requirements


  • September 2023 – The JSE released an announcement on proposed amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements relating to its Simplification Project.

JSE Listings Requirements and JSE Debt Listings Requirements:

The JSE released an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements and JSE Debt Listings Requirements, dealing with the Rejuvenation Project of Section 19 (Specialist Securities), the introduction of a new BEE Section and consequential amendments to Section 18 (Dual Listings). Please refer to the Explanatory Memorandum.

JSE Listings Requirements:

The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements:

  • Amendment Schedule: JSE Consultation Paper Items
  • Amendment Schedule: Financial Reporting Disclosures

Please refer to the JSE letter regarding transitional provisions to financial reporting disclosures.

JSE Debt Listings Requirements:

The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements:

  • Amendment Schedule: Debt Annual Improvement Project

The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements and JSE Debt Listings Requirements, dealing with Auditor Accreditation which originates from the JSE Consultation Paper (JSE Listings Review) issued in May 2022.  Find attached the explanatory memorandum along with the amendment schedule for the JSE Listings Requirements and amendment schedule for the JSE Debt Listings Requirements.

The JSE issued an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements and JSE Debt Listings Requirements.


September 2022: The JSE released an announcement on amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements pertaining to actively managed exchange traded funds.


August 2022 – The JSE issued an announcement regarding the Response Paper, following the JSE Consultation Paper.

The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements in relation to Actively Managed Certificates.

The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements in relation to Annual Improvement Project.

The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements dealing with Sovereign Issuers.

The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements & JSE Debt Listings Requirements dealing with the appropriation of penalties. Please refer to the ELR Amendment Schedule and the DLR Amendment Schedule.

May 2022: The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements pertaining to the Cutting Red Tape Project. The JSE Consultation Paper has been attached for ease of reference.

May 2022 – The JSE released an announcement regarding a JSE Consultation Paper: Listings Review. Kindly note the attached Comments Schedule to submit comments to the JSE.

April 2022: The JSE issued an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements in relation to Actively Managed Exchange Traded Funds. Find attached the Explanatory Memorandum.

The JSE issued a letter regarding transitional arrangements for the Sustainability Segment.


March 2022 – The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the Debt Listings Requirements, dealing with the Sustainability and Transition Segments. Find attached the marked-up consolidated Debt Listings Requirements. For ease of reference the JSE has also included the amendments as a side-by-side view.

February 2022 – The JSE released an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements and JSE Debt Listings Requirements. Kindly see the explanatory memorandum for the JSE Listings Requirements and the explanatory memorandum for the JSE Debt Listings Requirements.

October 2021: The JSE issued an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements to introduce Actively Managed Certificates. Find attached the Explanatory Memorandum including proposed amendments.

September 2021: The JSE issued an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements as part of its Annual Improvement Project 2021. Find attached the Explanatory Memorandum and Amendment Schedule.

August – 2021 - The JSE issued an Announcement regarding a JSE Consultation Paper: Cutting Red Tape aimed at Effective and Appropriate Regulation.

June 2021 – The JSE issued an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the Debt Listings Requirements. Kindly see the Explanatory Memorandum and Amendment Schedule, and relevant source documents being (i) Guidelines for Green, Social,

Sustainability and Sustainability-Linked Bonds External Reviews, (ii) Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles and (iii) Climate Transition Finance Handbook. The proposed amendments have further been consolidated in the current Debt Listings Requirements.

March 2021 – The JSE is a Consultation Paper along with a Comments Template.

February 2021  The JSE issued a letter regarding The Issuer Regulation Guide.

February 2021  The JSE issued a letter regarding amendments to the Corporate Actions Timetable  Schedule 2  Form H.

December 2020 – The JSE issued an announcement on proposed amendments to the Headline Earnings circular issued by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.

October 2020 – The JSE issued a letter regarding proposed amendments to the JSE Corporate Actions Timetable: Form H1. Please refer to the Explanatory Memorandum

September 2020 - The JSE issued a letter which focuses on disclosure obligations (both from a continuing obligation perspective and when issuers embark on capital raisings) that are beneficial for investors, contributing to transparent price formation and the success of capital raisings.

August 2020 – The JSE issued an announcement dealing with the transitional provisions in respect of the amendments to the Debt Listings Requirements (Part 2 of 2018).  

July 2020 – The JSE released an announcement regarding the approval of the amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements (Part 2 of 2018). Find attached the Final VersionAlso refer to the final marked–up amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements. 

July 2020 - The JSE issued a letter to Audit Committees in respect of paragraph 3.84(g)(iii) of the JSE Listings Requirements. Please also refer to the guidance issued

July 2020 – The JSE issued a letter on directors’ responsibilities on financial controls in respect of paragraph 3.84(k) of the JSE Listings Requirements.  The SAICA prepared document referred to in the JSE letter is accessible here.

June 2020 – The JSE made an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements in respect of the Sustainability Segment. Find attached the final version of the amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements.

May 2020 – The JSE issued a letter on written resolutions for issue of shares for cash resolutions by Main Board listed issuers. Please refer to the FSCA Market Notice.

May 2020 – The JSE issued a letter on LSE Standard Listings which is now recognised as an equivalent board for secondary listings on both AltX and the Main Board of the JSE

May 2020 – The JSE issued a letter reminding property entities of their disclosure obligations if they defer distributions.

May 2020 – The JSE issued a letter for issuers to remind them of their obligations to they give full disclosure of the impact of COVID-19 in their financial results.

April 2020 - The Financial Sector Conduct Authority issued the attached Board Notice for comments on the amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements (Sustainability Segment). Kindly see the attached Amendment Schedule.

April 2020 – The JSE issued a further letter to the market regarding the payment of dividends.

April 2020 – The JSE issued a letter to the market regarding capital raising measures and other.

March 2020 –  The JSE issued a letter to the market regarding the amendments to the Debt Listings Requirements (Part2 of 2018). See the attached Gazette Notice.


February 2020 – The JSE published an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements (Sustainability Segment). Please review the Explanatory Memorandum and Amendment Schedule.

January 2020 – The JSE released an announcement regarding the JSE Debt Listings Requirements. Kindly see Version 4 of the JSE Debt Listings Requirements, the Compare Version and the Briefing Note.

December 2019 -  The JSE issued a guidance letter on remuneration targets as applied to profit forecasts or estimates.

November 2019 – The JSE issued a letter regarding an update on the proposed amendments to the Debt Listings Requirements

November 2019 –  The JSE issued a letter dealing with transitional provisions relating to its amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements resulting from the JSE Consultation Paper.

November 2019 – The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements resulting from the JSE Consultation Paper issued in September 2018. Please refer to the Amendments Schedule – Primary Listings and Amendments Schedule – Secondary Listings.

September 2019 – The JSE issued an  announcement regarding public consultation in respect of amendments to the Debt Listings Requirements. Please refer to Version 3 of the Debt Listings Requirements, the Comparison Version and the Briefing Note.

September 2019 - The JSE Issued a revised guidance letter on AltX Business Plans.

  • May 2019 - The JSE issued an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements relating to the reporting of various performance measures including alternative or non-IFRS measures and ratios. Please review the attached Explanatory Memorandum and Amendment Schedule.

  • May 2019 - The JSE issued an Update Letter on the new process for the release of financial results on SENS.

The JSE issued a guidance letter on the new process for the release of financial results on SENS

  • September 2018  – The JSE released an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the JSE debt listings requirements.  Please see part 2 of 2018: explanatory memorandum and amendment schedule.
  • September 2018  – The JSE released a consultation paper on possible regulatory responses to recent events surrounding listed issuers and trading in their shares.
  • September 2018  – The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE debt listings requirements - Part 1A of 2018.  The amendments are attached for ease of reference.
                                     Also see the implementation letter.

April 2018  – The JSE released an announcement regarding proposed amendments to the JSE debt listings requirements.  Please see Part 1A: explanatory memorandum and amendment schedule

January 2018 – The JSE released an announcement regarding the approval of amendments to the JSE Debt Listings Requirements

January 2018 – The JSE released an announcement regarding amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements.