

The JSE Training Academy in association with Advanced Fintech Options is proud to present the Financial Information Associate (FIA) - The FISD level 1 syllabus: FIA-Syllabus-V4.0 course from the Financial Information Services Division (FISD) of Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA).

The FISD level 1 syllabus: FIA-Syllabus-V4.0. programme is intended for anyone who works with market and/or reference data including data users, salespeople and professionals in Information Technology, compliance, legal and administrative support. The qualification is ideally suited for relative new comers to Market Data all the way up to more experienced practitioners looking to grow and validate their Market Data knowledge by obtaining a globally recognised qualification in recognition of their effort.

Objectives include:

  • Overview of Basic Financial Markets, Regulatory Frameworks and platforms,
  • Understanding the Fundamentals of Market Data, its landscape and participants
  • Analysing the Commercial Architecture of Market Data by Dissecting the Distribution Channels and Usage
  • Overview of the Latest Technology Trends and Developments
  • Become Exam-Ready for the FIA Certification and lay the groundwork for the FIA Data Licencing Module Level 2 course.

The course covers 4 central topics:

  • The Markets (Have a broad understanding of the markets that both generate and consume market and reference data. You will understand the different types of organizations and their various and diverse data requirements.)
  • The Data (Gain an understanding of the data used in financial markets. You will learn how data originates, who delivers it, the many ways data is used and gain an understanding of the various commercial models and their charging structures)
  • The Technology (Obtain a broad understanding of the various technologies that underpin the market and reference data communities)
  • Industry Trends and Issues (Cover key issues and associated trends that are influencing the development and evolution of the market and reference data industry)

NB: Once a student has completed the course with AFO and the JSE – AFO is able to offer a $200 discount off the cost of the Exam valid till 1st March 2023. The normal cost of the exam is $500 excl. What’s new is that considering all the testing centres in South Africa being closed due to Covid19, students are able to take the exam online, at home.

Once the student has completed the course, they will need to go to the Webassessor website and book the exam. They can pay there and then with a credit card or alternatively they can purchase an exam code direct from the SIIA. There is a ‘request for invoice’ form that the exam taker can complete and send to AFO whereupon they will receive an invoice that their internal procurement department can pay. Once that’s paid – SIIA will issue an exam voucher code that can be used to purchase the exam on the Webassessor site. A certificate of completion will be issued.


  • 24 - 26 March 2025
  • 15 – 16 September 2025

Duration: 2 days

Time: 09:00 - 16:00

Cost: R12,500 per delegate ex VAT (book for 5 people or more from the same company and receive a 5% Discount)

To book for this course, please complete the attached registration form and send back to [email protected]




By using a service provider to offer the courses, the JSE does not directly or indirectly endorse any product or service provided, or to be provided by the service provider.

Please contact Company Services at [email protected] to book.  Space is limited.  Please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Chief Operating Officer

Advanced Fintech Options

Kelvin Thomson (B.Banking UNISA 2009) has over 20 year’s consulting experience in treasury technology as well as market data environments across Europe and Africa. The core of his experience stems from decades of project management in the wholesale, interbank sphere with projects across Africa with Inter-Dealer Broker ICAP. He also spent a year with Dutch specialist treasury consultancy, Screen Consultants, undertaking consulting projects in the Benelux region. In addition to senior IT and Project Management roles, he has also held the position of Compliance Officer registered with both the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Securities Exchange Commission of Nigeria.


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